About Me

Think of me as the Marie Kondo of data — rather than tidying up homes, I specialize in decluttering the chaos of spreadsheets, replacing it with streamlined, automated workflows. My foray into Python and data analysis began with a seemingly simple question: “Why do we run every part of the business using a spreadsheet?” This moment of frustration with the status quo, the all-too-common “This is how we’ve always done it,” ignited my quest to find a better way.

Delving into Python, I discovered that processes taking weeks to complete could be fully automated and streamlined in seconds, dramatically transforming our efficiency. This revelation led me to an important consideration, one that perhaps your business has yet to ponder: How much time and resources might your current data management practices be costing you?

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.

Henry Ford

Inspired by Ford’s insight, my mission goes beyond just speeding up existing processes. I am committed to challenging the status quo. Just as Ford realized that people needed cars, not faster horses, I recognize that what businesses often need is not just a spreadsheet with more rows and faster processing. It’s about reimagining the way we manage data.

Through my blog, I explore and share innovative solutions to everyday data challenges, employing the right tools and techniques. Here, you won’t find lengthy, theoretical explanations; instead, you’ll discover practical, efficient strategies designed to optimize your workflow and elevate your performance at work.